Should I have my Operator Licence audited?
Having a consultant undertake an audit of your Operator Licence is pretty much like having a check up at the Doctor. It's a little uncomfortable but finding problems early is the key!
An audit will tell you exactly which areas of your Operator Licence compliance need attention and where tweets should be made.
Audits focus primarily on maintenance and safety. Daily walk around checks, Maintenance inspections, Roller Brake Tests and Tyre Policy are of critical importance.
Driver training, such as safe loading of vehicles, DDR toolbox talks, Drivers Hours and safety procedures will all be looked at.
Often overlooked administrative procedures will also be looked at such as Driver licence checks, disciplinary procedure and WTD.
In short, for peace of mind, let alone ensuring you are compliant with your Operator Licence undertakings and safety and Audit can be very important.
At the very least you should regularly use “A guide to vehicle maintenance” to help perform a self audit.